
Sam Shebert
Ph.D. Student
- Active-Passive Radar Networks
- Cognitive Radar
- Signal Classification

Don-Roberts Emenonye
Ph.D. Student
- Geolocation
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
- Estimation Theory
Megan Moore
Ph.D. Student
- Machine Learning
- Deep Neural Networks
- Detection Theory

Haozhou Hu
Ph.D. Student
- Landmark-based Localization
- Computer Vision

Harish Dureppagari
Ph.D. Student
- Signal Processing for Communications and Localization
- Cellular Communications (5G & 6G)
- Massive MIMO

Gaurav Duggal
Ph.D. Student
- Wireless Localization
- Channel Modelling
- Radar Systems

Kumar Bondada
Ph.D. Student
- Distributed MIMO Communications
- Cellular Communications (5G & 6G)
- Estimation Theory

Xinrui Li
Ph.D. Student
- Signal Processing for Interference Mitigation
- Radio Astronomy
- Estimation Theory

Tom Anders
M.S. Student
- Multistatic Radar
- Signal Processing
- Synchronization

Olivia Leonard
M.S. Student
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Radar Tracking Systems
Charles Thornton
Ph.D. Student (2023)
On the Value of Online Learning for Cognitive Radar Waveform Selection
Christopher O'Lone
Ph.D. Student (2021)
Statistical Analysis of Geolocation Fundamentals Using Stochastic Geometry
Tanner Fredieu
MSc. Student (2022)
Don-Roberts Emenonye
MSc. Student (2020)
Application of Machine Learning to Multi Antenna Transmission and Machine Type Resource Allocation
Daniel Tait
MSc. Student (2020)
Electromagnetic Vector-Sensor Direction-of-Arrival Estimation inthe Presence of Interference
Daniel Jakubisin
PhD Student (2016)
Advances in Iterative Probabilistic Processing for Communication Receivers
Javier Schloemann
PhD Student (2015)
Fundamental Analyses of Collaborative and Noncollaborative Positioning
Kevin McDermott
M.Sc. Student (2014)
On the Improvement of Positioning in LTE with Collaboration and Pressure Sensors
Reza Monir Vaghefi
PhD Student (2014)
Cooperative Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Semidefinite Programming
Victoria Jewell
M.Sc. Student (2014)
Use of GIS in Radio Frequency and Positioning Applications
Zachary Biskaduros
M.Sc. Student (2014)
Collaborative Localization Enhancement to the Global Positioning System using Inter-Receiver Range Measurements
Jacob Overfield
M.Sc. Student (2013)
Harpreet S. Dhillon
M.Sc. Student (2010)
Optimal Sum-Rate of Multi-Band MIMO Interference Channel
First Employment - Assistant Professor, Dept. ECE, Virginia Tech
Tao Jia
Ph.D. Student (2010)
Collaborative position location for wireless networks in harsh environments
First Employment - Qualcomm
Haris Volos
Ph.D. Student (2010)
Collaborative position location for wireless networks in harsh environments
First Employment - Qualcomm
Haesoo Kim
Ph.D. Student (2008)
Dynamic cooperative communications in wireless ad-hoc networks
Heba Shaban
Ph.D. Student (2010)
A novel highly accurate wireless wearable human locomotion tracking and gait analysis system via UWB radios
Swaroop Venkatesh
Ph.D. Student (2007)
The design and modeling of ultra-wideband position-location networks
First Employment - Broadcom
Jeong-Heon Lee
Ph.D. Student (2011)
Physical layer security for wireless position location in the presence of location spoofing
Justin Kelly
M.Sc. Student (2009)
On the benefit of cooperation of secondary users in dynamic spectrum access
Jihad Ibrahim
Ph.D. Student (2007)
Algorithms and architectures for UWB receiver design
Rekha Menon
Ph.D. Student (2007)
Interference avoidance based underlay techniques for dynamic spectrum sharing
First Employment - Harris Corporation
Chris Anderson
Ph.D. Student (2007)
A Software Defined Ultra Wideband Transceiver Testbed for Communications, Ranging, or Imaging
First Employment - Associate Professor, Dept. ECE, United States Naval Academy
Nathan Harter
M.Sc. Student (2007)
Development of a Single Channel Direction Finding Algorithm
Brian Donlan
M.Sc. Student (2005)
Ultra-wideband Narrowband Interference Cancellation and Channel Modeling for Communications
Vivek Bharadwaj
M.Sc. Student (2005)
Ultra-Wideband for Communications: Spatial Characteristics and Interference Suppression
Rajaraman Parameswaran
M.Sc. Student (2005)
Effects of user and spatial diversity on high data rate wireless systems
Samir Ginde
M.Sc. Student (2004)
A Game-theoretic Analysis of Link Adaptation in Cellular Radio Networks
Jing Jiang
Ph.D. Student (2004)
Increasing the Capacity of Wireless Data Systems - A Cross Layer Perspective
Liu Yang
M.Sc. Student (2004)
The Applicability of the Tap-Delay Line Channel Model to Ultra Wideband
Dave McKinstry
M.Sc. Student (2003)
Ultra-wideband Small Scale Channel Modeling and its Application to Receiver Design
Rahul Mahajan
M.Sc. Student (2006)
Cross Layer Optimization: System Design and Simulation Methodologies
Payal Jain
M.Sc. Student (2002)
On the Impact of Channel and Channel Quality Estimation on Adaptive Modulation
Jay Tsai
Ph.D. Student (2002)
Combined Space-Time Diversity and Interference Cancellation for MIMO Wireless Systems
Noha El Gemayel
Ph.D Student, KIT Germany (2014)
Marco Di Renzo
Ph.D Student, University of L'Aquila, Italy (2007)