R. Michael Buehrer
- Wireless @ Virginia Tech
Hello and welcome to the official website of R. Michael Buehrer's research group. This website serves as the information gateway to the latest and greatest research being performed by his M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in the Wireless@VT research group. Please feel free to browse around at your leisure. Should you desire to contact Dr. Buehrer, please find his contact information here. Lastly, we appreciate you stopping by - thank you for your interest!
R. Michael Buehrer
R. Michael Buehrer joined Virginia Tech from Bell Labs as an Assistant Professor with the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2001. He is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering and is the Director of Wireless @ Virginia Tech, a comprehensive research group focusing on wireless communications.
Dr. Buehrer was named an IEEE Fellow in 2016 “for contributions to wideband signal processing in communications and geolocation.”
During 2009, Dr. Buehrer was a visiting researcher at the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences (LTS), a federal research lab which focuses on telecommunication challenges for national defense. While at LTS, his research focus was in the area of cognitive radio with a particular emphasis on statistical learning techniques.
His current research interests include cognitive radar, cognitive radio, position location networks, dynamic spectrum sharing, communication theory, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communications, intelligent antenna techniques, ultra wideband, spread spectrum, interference avoidance/cancellation, and propagation modeling. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, NIST, and several industrial sponsors.
Dr. Buehrer has authored or co-authored over 90 journal and approximately 260 conference papers and holds 18 patents in the area of wireless communications and geolocation. . In 2021 he was the co-recipient of the Vanu Bose Award for the best paper at MILCOM’21. He was also a co-recipient of the Fred W. Ellersick MILCOM Award for the best paper in the unclassified technical program in 2010 and the Outstanding Paper Award from the SDR Forum Technical Conference in 2008.
He is currently a Fellow of IEEE. He was formerly an Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and IEEE Transactions on Education. He has also served as a guest editor for the Proceedings of the IEEE and IEEE Transactions on Special Topics in Signal Processing. In 2003 he was named Outstanding New Assistant Professor by the Virginia Tech College of Engineering and received the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2014.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D. (June 1996)
The University of Toledo, M.S. (August 1993)
The University of Toledo, B.S. (June 1991)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D. (June 1996)
The University of Toledo, M.S. (August 1993)
The University of Toledo, B.S. (June 1991)